Monday, February 2, 2009

Training starting tomorrow...

In order to survive the events planned for the year, I have to start building a running base. I'm fairly certain that the rebuild of my legs for cycling should be fairly easy... and the swimming is cake even without me getting in the water before the races... it's just the darn running. First things first, base building.

Since I have no prior running experience, I'm borrowing tips from others. With running you have to be careful not to 1) ramp your mileage too quickly and 2) increase your pace to quickly. Doing so can cause serious damage to your body. So my plan is fairly simple:
  1. Run 5 days a week
  2. Spread the weekday miles into two workouts with the harder ones in the morning and recovery in the evening
  3. Start with 1 mile runs in the morning, .5 mile in the evening
  4. Have the weekend run be a longer run double the length of the weekday ones
  5. Increase the weekday runs by 1/4 mile per week.
  6. Work in hill workouts
Following this, by the end of April I should be at 32 miles per week with a long run of 8 miles.

To keep my cycling up, I'm going to try and keep on the trainer for 30 minutes before my recovery run. Once the warmer weather comes I should be able to make it outside and trade some of my recovery runs with bike rides.

Swimming will start in April/May time frame. Long enough to get my shoulders used to swimming again. I will maybe hit the pool two times a week. Maybe 3-4000 yards a workout. The group I swim with does ocean swims so I may join them this year.

Till tomorrow....

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